Birth Stories

No shame, No dignity, No filter….Straight up.

This blog page is not aimed to scare people, it’s to raise awareness and reach out to those who have suffered a scary time during pregnancy, labour, birth and post-partum. Because let’s face it, it’s no breeze. It’s also become very apparent to me that those who had a traumatic experience are not in the minority. Until I started sharing my story with friends, and clients I’d never heard other people open up and share their own experience….so that’s exactly what this page is for!!! And sometimes it just helps to write it down and express your feelings.

I went into pregnancy very naïve. Obviously, I was worried about how painful it would be, but I never truly knew it was going to hurt that much! And the post-partum complications were a total shock. In fact, just post-partum in general.

I often wonder why midwives don’t warn women. I was completely unaware of most of the things that happened to me which made it scary.